New state bill brings raises for poll workers

COMANCHE CO., Okla. (KSWO) – Polling precinct officials across the state of Oklahoma can look forward to raises thanks to a new piece of state legislation.

Senate Bill 290 went into effect July 1, affording raises in daily pay for poll workers, and just in time for election day.

“It makes you feel appreciated,” said Precinct 39 inspector, Valynda Monroe. “It makes you feel that they know what we’re doing down here on this level and they want to help compensate us for that.”

Before now, voting precinct workers made between $100 and $110 for working over 12 hours on election days.

Senator Mary B. Boren is one of several co-authors on the bill, including Oklahoma Senator Warren Hamilton. Boren said the group noticed a need to better serve polling officials.

“Each of those have not been paid fairly for their time and service to our state,” Sen. Boren said. “During COVID, we realized we were kind of having a shortage of some of those positions. So over the last four years, we’ve really tried to improve the conditions those poll workers have. One piece of that was to make sure that they’re fairly paid for their service.”

Each precinct has a judge, clerk and inspector. Judges and clerks will see their pay double from $100 to $200 a day. Inspectors will jump from $110 to $225 a day.

Both Monroe and Senator Boren said they hope this raise will help with a shortage in poll workers.

“We kind of saw a need that we really needed to expand out to younger volunteers,” Sen. Boren said. “A lot of people are workers during that time and we really needed to make sure that if they were gonna ask they’re job to take off work or take a shift off.. then we need to make sure that they’re compensated for that time.”

Though officials hope money isn’t volunteers’ only motivation.

“We do want people that are committed to the job that and are not just coming in for the money,” Monroe said. “The money is a big benefit.”

Meanwhile — Senator Boren said this legislation serves as a thank-you to dedicated polling officials across the state.

“We are very very grateful for their support and for their role and their sacrifice to serving these roles, and we’re very grateful for their patriotism,” she explained. “There’s nothing more patriotic than voting and helping people have a good time and an easy time getting to the polls.”

Those interested in volunteering at their local precinct can go to their county election board, or, visit the Oklahoma State Election Board website to get started.

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New state bill brings raises for poll workers #state #bill #brings #raises #poll #workers

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COMANCHE CO., Okla. (KSWO) – Polling precinct officials across the state of Oklahoma can look forward to raises thanks to a new piece of state legislation. Senate Bill 290 went into effect July 1, affording raises in daily pay for poll workers, and just in time for election day. “It makes you feel appreciated,” said …

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