Posted in WP-12

The number of job openings has declined sharply in every state • Daily Montanan

The number of job openings has declined sharply in every state since 2022, better aligning the numbers of unfilled jobs and people seeking work. Nationally, for the first time since before the pandemic, the number of job openings and unemployed people is roughly in balance: A little more than one opening per person looking for …

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Continue Reading... The number of job openings has declined sharply in every state • Daily Montanan
Posted in WP-12

The number of job openings has declined sharply in every state • Daily Montanan

The number of job openings has declined sharply in every state since 2022, better aligning the numbers of unfilled jobs and people seeking work. Nationally, for the first time since before the pandemic, the number of job openings and unemployed people is roughly in balance: A little more than one opening per person looking for …

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Continue Reading... The number of job openings has declined sharply in every state • Daily Montanan
Posted in WP-12

Is Helena home? Gianforte residency ‘at seat of government’ questioned • Daily Montanan

The historic Samuel T. Hauser Mansion, 720 Madison Ave., in Helena. On Jan. 8, 2024, Gov. Gianforte and First Lady Susan Gianforte announced private purchase of the home and that it will be gifted to the State of Montana. (Photo courtesy of Big Bear Aerial Productions) The governor, along with the other five highest-ranking officials …

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Continue Reading... Is Helena home? Gianforte residency ‘at seat of government’ questioned • Daily Montanan