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Industries with in-person work more frequently tout PTO in job ads, Indeed finds

Listen to the article 3 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Whether American workers are “quiet vacationing” or taking time off loudly, it seems they’re still not stepping away from work enough. New data from Indeed shows that paid time off is increasingly dangled as a benefit in …

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Posted in WP-8

February 2024 US Labor Market Update: Tech Jobs May Be Below Pre-Pandemic Levels, but In-Person Sectors Holding Steady

High-profile tech layoffs are making news, but are not echoed across the job market as a whole. Key Points: Tech-related job postings are 25% below pre-pandemic levels, declining 2.7% in the last three months. Postings in sectors with a high share of remote-eligible roles have declined as well, falling to 8% below pre-pandemic baselines, while …

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Continue Reading... February 2024 US Labor Market Update: Tech Jobs May Be Below Pre-Pandemic Levels, but In-Person Sectors Holding Steady