Posted in WP-8

The enemy of your enemy is, indeed, your friend. Physics confirms it.

Most people have heard the famous phrase “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Now, Northwestern University researchers have used statistical physics to confirm the theory that underlies this famous axiom. The study was published May 3 in the journal Science Advances. In the 1940s, Austrian psychologist Fritz Heider introduced social balance theory, which …

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Posted in WP-8

Island Pedaler: A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed | The Island Pedaler

While returning from church a few Sundays ago, I noticed an older gentleman walking his e-bike along the shared-use path on San Marco Road, just past Marco Island Academy. He appeared to be laboring. I pulled over and asked if he needed help. After thinking about it for just a second or two, he accepted …

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Continue Reading... Island Pedaler: A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed | The Island Pedaler