Posted in WP-8

Industries with in-person work more frequently tout PTO in job ads, Indeed finds

Listen to the article 3 min This audio is auto-generated. Please let us know if you have feedback. Whether American workers are “quiet vacationing” or taking time off loudly, it seems they’re still not stepping away from work enough. New data from Indeed shows that paid time off is increasingly dangled as a benefit in …

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Posted in WP-8

Archaeological dig in Jerusalem finds fortifications believed to be from time of King David: See the photos

{{#rendered}} {{/rendered}} Archaeologists in the City of David National Park in Jerusalem have discovered massive fortifications that would have protected the city in ancient times.  “This is a dramatic discovery that opens up a renewed discussion about the terms from the biblical literature that refer to the topography of Jerusalem, such as the Ophel and …

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Mo’ money, less problems? Study finds that certain amounts of wealth can indeed buy more happiness

.A new study confirms that money correlates with happiness, as the wealth gap between Black and white Americans continues to grow. While much has been discussed about the wide (and widening) wealth gap, there also appears to be a happiness gap. According to a new study, money can, in fact, buy you some measure of …

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Continue Reading... Mo’ money, less problems? Study finds that certain amounts of wealth can indeed buy more happiness