Posted in WP-8

Desertification was supposed to be the 'greatest environmental challenge of our time.' Why are experts now worried about greening? – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Desertification was supposed to be the ‘greatest environmental challenge of our time.’ Why are experts now worried about greening?  Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Source link Desertification was supposed to be the ‘greatest environmental challenge of our time.’ Why are experts now worried about greening? – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists #Desertification #supposed #039greatest #environmental #challenge …

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Continue Reading... Desertification was supposed to be the 'greatest environmental challenge of our time.' Why are experts now worried about greening? – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Posted in WP-8

2024 Business Card Challenge: A Very Annoying Business Card, Indeed

Usually the business card itself is the reminder to get in contact with whoever gave it to you. But this is Hackaday, after all. This solar-powered card reminds the recipient to send [Dead Rat Productions] an email by beeping about every two hours, although the gist of that email may simply be begging them to …

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Continue Reading... 2024 Business Card Challenge: A Very Annoying Business Card, Indeed