"That is indeed a very Toph decision": Michaela Jill Murphy Won't be Happy How Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans are Saying Toph Was Just "an Addition", Not an Integral Part of Team Aang – FandomWire

“That is indeed a very Toph decision”: Michaela Jill Murphy Won’t be Happy How Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans are Saying Toph Was Just “an Addition”, Not an Integral Part of Team Aang  FandomWire

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“That is indeed a very Toph decision”: Michaela Jill Murphy Won’t be Happy How Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans are Saying Toph Was Just “an Addition”, Not an Integral Part of Team Aang – FandomWire #quotThat #Toph #decisionquot #Michaela #Jill #Murphy #Won039t #Happy #Avatar #Airbender #Fans #Toph #quotan #Additionquot #Integral #Part #Team #Aang #FandomWire

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Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwJBVV95cUxOczRISUFFOHVrdHJrcVVjT1I0Q1RBZ2lrdFd3czhsRktGbTF2Q2dvallCNTVybDlNcHh6N1F6cWlVS2dzQTBXY05ud0JZWEZCQ2pSdWpodTdHQ2UxX1A2S3pESno3M1RfazhHN2xITGpQQUYxZkFkc1gyYTV4dC1paFltb09fb2pvVmpsWVFVM0dGS0tlWGoxd3BFekVwWHM2MUJrS0NGcHYxRVZTU0lpM19HT0Y0R0VfdmNWak1kTDZ2S1JQbkZJX1lrMTlDc2hMaWlNTC1UUXJma2FPUFVyOTZvdnExbjB6Z1phU0psT2N1dFhpUmtEdGxqWHFmSmk3cEh2R282MWJOTm9TbWF1ZHhUdi1NV19wb1dGWW5pRm1mQXV2ZjFz?oc=5

WP8, Aang, Additionquot, Airbender, Avatar, decisionquot, FandomWire, fans, happy, Integral, Jill, Michaela, Murphy, Part, quotan, quotThat, Team, Toph, won039t – “That is indeed a very Toph decision”: Michaela Jill Murphy Won’t be Happy How Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans are Saying Toph Was Just “an Addition”, Not an Integral Part of Team Aang – FandomWire – #WP8

“That is indeed a very Toph decision”: Michaela Jill Murphy Won’t be Happy How Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans are Saying Toph Was Just “an Addition”, Not an Integral Part of Team Aang  FandomWire Source link “That is indeed a very Toph decision”: Michaela Jill Murphy Won’t be Happy How Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans are …

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