5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland baseball game – CNN

  1. 5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland baseball game  CNN
  2. 5-year-old boy dies when wind gust sends bounce house airborne at Maryland baseball game  CBS News

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5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland baseball game – CNN #5yearold #killed #child #injured #bounce #house #airborne #Maryland #baseball #game #CNN

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikgFBVV95cUxNTFkxNkNSdmktOTFFYTdUSTlQM3VSbjZMTXgtSjNocFdWLVFzazVIS1NzeFNFZUkyTThxMUFxZlNlLVctZDlBTW1rWldzOGYyS21IUWstWXphUzBQNEo3dHh2QVhlWW5McTcwak9tZ0l0NW5WT2tlV05xWHJDV0dJaHJKaTU0c3diUlBYb0NSYXVjUdIBiAFBVV95cUxNY0dEaDM4X0ppRzhqY1E4c3FVdkVUcG9UV1A4VFNnek1iYWRtUWZOVm5UdDZHajJNd3lwa0pJejRsNnRwdmpqV29SemtQUU5rZXcyczVfMW54ODE2VDdUa0M4SEJTRUNLbGdvWVpYY2JDRUwtU1pQZnItVzh4dmR4M2VsNFBQU3I2?oc=5

5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland baseball game – CNN – #WP10 – BLOGGER

5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland baseball game  CNN 5-year-old boy dies when wind gust sends bounce house airborne at Maryland baseball game  CBS News Source link 5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland baseball game – CNN #5yearold #killed …

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5-year-old killed and a second child injured after a bounce house goes airborne during Maryland base…