Relax, Google is Not Sunsetting Gmail, Just Because a Post Went is Making Rounds on the Internet

Just when I thought I would fall asleep reading Matthew Perry’s memoir on my phone, I made the mistake of checking my Twitter and saw this post talking about how Google is “sunsetting” or, in other words, killing Gmail. At first, I was like, “Oh, I am not surprised. Google does it all the time.” but then it dawned on me that Google’s email service is one of the flagship products, and the company would not go ahead and just shut it down. A rebrand, maybe, but even that is not happening.

Google is not shutting down Gmail. There is no need to panic right now

Going back a bit, Google recently had to issue an apology because Gemini refused to produce images of “white people,” including images of historical figures such as the founding fathers of the U.S. After that, an alleged image has been making the rounds on the internet claiming that Google is killing or sunsetting Gmail, unarguably one of its flagship products. However, the thing that you must know is that Google has made no such announcement, and I can assure you that the email service is not going anywhere.

For the sake of entertainment, this is what that image looks like, and honestly, you only need to read it once to figure out that it is nothing but a hoax.

Now, although it might look like a poorly crafted copy, there are some terms here that are cleverly used. If you are not familiar with the term sunsetting, it’s a term related to email. Email sunsetting is basically a term or a tactic that is used by companies to discontinue delivering emails to contacts or subscribers who do not interact with various campaigns for a specific amount of time. You might have noticed that you, one day, stopped receiving emails from a certain brand or something like that. It is one of the ways how sunsetting works. So, is Gmail shutting down? No, it is not.

If you are familiar with Google and how the company shuts down its products and services, this does not at all sound like the company to begin with. I have seen Google kill several products and services ever since I joined the tech world, and there are always concrete reasons behind the decision. The message above sounds like someone wrote it lazily, threw in some clever words, and thought that people would start taking it seriously. Gmail, at the time of writing, has over 1.5 billion active users around the world, and the user base involves not just individual users but also professional businesses.

The sanest thing to do right now is to just laugh at this post, laugh at how poorly it is written, and head to bed, depending on which timezone you are in. Rest assured, Gmail will still be there once you wake up tomorrow. I am signing off.

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Relax, Google is Not Sunsetting Gmail, Just Because a Post Went is Making Rounds on the Internet #Relax #Google #Sunsetting #Gmail #Post #Making #Rounds #Internet

Source link Google News

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Just when I thought I would fall asleep reading Matthew Per…