Judge tells Google to brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for running a monopoly – ABC News

  1. Judge tells Google to brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for running a monopoly  ABC News
  2. Judge to Google: Brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for running monopoly  Detroit News
  3. Epic judge says he’ll ‘tear the barriers down’ on Google’s app store monopoly  The Verge

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Judge tells Google to brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for running a monopoly – ABC News #Judge #tells #Google #brace #shakeup #Android #app #store #punishment #running #monopoly #ABC #News

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxPSWxOam5kRVdpY3lWVHFoU3ZWX1UzbUxSSjFPNjhrTE54elk1bFFsYTlzSnJrTks1aUNNaC1nQ01sc1h5djRYYUE0OUdzeTNZdXpVX0VHdjl3cUo3a1IyV0dFTmJhQVJNYzJsQU9RZWVzMlh4NS10WmNHMFJ1UUVnTTJqcWRSMm1XSmtpakJsQ2NiUllVNEVIQ3dJTzRwemJiRlJkYVpEQdIBrAFBVV95cUxQRi00Y212M1M1ai1LLXQzM1RhNnNmUHBGRV9GLVNiaEhpUlRsX00teEZNdnNEN0p3R3RkcFBaOUNqR1lmM1BwZlJReVR1dnB4VmZza2dMWVd2TnpsX2tHTmpUd3k5VGJXdk5DMm96Xzc4VFUxNzdyeTVLVEVnNVR4WjNyOHBENmZoTy1QR0dJNHd6c1hob2NLajRXbWpsUHFMSmhaZC05cV93dllV?oc=5

Judge tells Google to brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for r…