iPhone-Maker Will Be Reliant On ChatGPT-Parent, Google, And Meta For Delivering AI Features, Says Gene Munster: 'Apple Will Leverage Tech From OpenAI To Create New Devices, Like AirPods With Cameras' – Benzinga

iPhone-Maker Will Be Reliant On ChatGPT-Parent, Google, And Meta For Delivering AI Features, Says Gene Munster: ‘Apple Will Leverage Tech From OpenAI To Create New Devices, Like AirPods With Cameras’  Benzinga

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iPhone-Maker Will Be Reliant On ChatGPT-Parent, Google, And Meta For Delivering AI Features, Says Gene Munster: ‘Apple Will Leverage Tech From OpenAI To Create New Devices, Like AirPods With Cameras’ – Benzinga #iPhoneMaker #Reliant #ChatGPTParent #Google #Meta #Delivering #Features #Gene #Munster #039Apple #Leverage #Tech #OpenAI #Create #Devices #AirPods #Cameras039 #Benzinga

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi6AFBVV95cUxPV1dvWG5GQlc0UmhqSGN2RWpuM1ZGbGlPZHlJQ1ZmTzJGWWZnRFR5ZWgxX2NwUjlaU05YX3d5TGU2M29wdE51NHROTFJiU0NNTmI5dzR2aEhwZ1RtNTg5dXlONFoxQWVxZVBZRjdENHNCZTFUallHMDdWemdWRndNS0pmSWtidlp2Z3dRRTE3YUlmUU16bTEyT1ZBSmN2Rmo2NHZ6bUhHTVh4cnhjc1Bxb1NWUWNGUjNmaXZFbHJFd1JTdHJ3aW5nemxieWM3NTN6aXNIbFdqRm14cVRMMTVYVGtqWlNfZ1pX?oc=5

iPhone-Maker Will Be Reliant On ChatGPT-Parent, Google, And Meta For Delivering …